spieleschreiber has a double meaning in the German language. It may mean “writing about games” as well as “developing games”. This, in a nutshell, describes what I create, together with very talented freelance colleagues. Of course, there is more to it.
Because games change lifes
Getting awards in 1986 for Let’s Bounce, just like the european-wide releases of Twinky goes hiking and Persian Gulf Inferno soon after, could have paved the way for my 16-year old self to dedicate himself to game development | Instead, I decided to focus on writing. But the return to game dev was just a question of time, with the 2013 iOS-game Anno Domini followed by many successful releases
I feel honored that my 2019 release RESHOOT R gathered so many awards, and the currently pipelined project RESHOOT PROXIMA 3 triggers so many positive comments | Proves that mixing elements of contemporary games and current quality standards falls on fertile ground
Creating text for a purpose
The passion for writing creative text roots back to the 1980s. That´s when I discovered the fulfillment that comes from feeding the imagination of many thousand readers as editor of Amiga Joker magazine | Followed by fun times while merging print and online channels for my leading games media brands Cube, 360 Live, PS3M and games™ in the early 2000s, well ahead of the curve
Gathering this experience allowed me to serve T-Online, Spiegel Online, Maxim, Games / Bavaria, brand eins and other renowned media outlets with tenderly crafted text and media compositions since 2001 | Always striving for entertaining yet multilayered, faithful coverage
“I think you are very qualified for project tasks in the media, organizational and commercial area – also in responsible management positions – and I can recommend you to potential clients without any reservations”
“You have carried out all tasks exceptionally punctually, reliably and with great care. I would also like to emphasize your communication and team skills as an essential basis for productive and smooth cooperation”
“We appreciate the quality of Mr. Löwenstein’s texts, which testify to a high level of specialist journalistic competence. He knows how to deal with complex topics in an understandable and descriptive way”
“A huge thank you to you and the team for the resurrection of the Amiga Joker. The magazine is made with so much heart that I felt very warm while reading”
“What you have done here is amazing. This game has a strong identity, like some of Amigas legendary games Project X and Shadow of the Beast III”
Like what you see?
Please send kind words, suggest a project or do something similar which makes me smile