Retro Development

Retro Development2020-07-16T10:59:00+02:00

Project Description

  • Design, development, production, sales and marketing of retro-themed computer- and videogames
  • Specialising on classic and current gaming platforms since 1985
  • Focus on production value, technical expertise, smooth and fair entertainment
  • Full project management until ready-to-publish-status
  • Current releases: Reshoot and RESHOOT R
  • RESHOOT R gathered tons of trophys and awards. I am especially proud of the 91% rating in the UK special magazine Retro Gamer
  • Buy the best retro experience right here
  • Always happy to share retro expertise | help making your imaginary retro-game become a reality


spieleschreiber is about creating games-related stuff. The company is founded and led by me, Richard Löwenstein. I love to pour heart and soul into games and editorial pieces since the 1980s. With the added expertise of the most talented creative freelancers out there, we set our sights on indie game development in 2023. Our first project is classic shoot-em-up mayhem with unusual twists.

I know you are courio wonder what „spieleschreiber“ actually means. The word is a play on the German word „schreiben“ and refers to the fact that the company has its roots in both editorial content and game development.

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